Anneshia Hardy | The Hardy Exchange
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Editorial By Anneshia | Montgomery Advertiser
“It’s dope to be black until it’s hard to be black.”
—Angie Thomas, "The Hate U Give"
Dear America, I challenge you to find it in your heart to see past the white supremacy, white privilege, and racism, to understand that Kaepernick’s protest, and others who stand in solidarity with him, isn’t about disrespecting the U.S. and those who fought to protect it. It is, in fact, about his ancestors that were forced to bleed and die for this country. It’s about the descendants of his ancestors who, still today, are being systematically oppressed and publicly murdered. Let us not forget that black people also bleed and died for this country. However, blacks were not fortunate enough to reap the benefits of the fundamental values our soldiers fought for.